About Bakreations ♥

Hello Everyone!

I am Hazel the Baker of this fun filled space ♥
After seeing many baking creations around, it stirs up my interests in creating them myself.
I get to start off baking small stuff like cookies and pies, and I am very happy with the final products I made. Its even more heart warming when I get to share them with you. A wide array of goodies will be shown in Bakreations, so do come back and look out for new updates!

This space is created not only to share the goodies with you but also to keep a log of what I have created and am proud of! We provide a wide variety of possibilities and welcome new creations that matches your palate. Do roam around Bakreations and I hope you would enjoy them as much as I do.

Feedbacks and comments are welcomed by anyone stopping by. Therefore do feel free to converse with me at hazelsbakreations@gmail.com and I will try to satisfy your needs. =)

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