Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The New / Old Cookie

chocolate chip cookies are an all time favorite among chocolate lovers! its never to be missed.. it explains why famous amos is selling their cookies so well..

The wonderful part about making these cookies were that I can use whatever chips I want. Ranging from Milk Chocolate Chips to Butterscotch Chips (if available). This batch I made were with Dark Chocolate Chips for our bridesmaid gathering! The gurls love dark chocolate therefore I got pretty good feedback and I am glad the cookies have served their purpose well. ^_^

Apart from just eating these plain jane cookies, I have found another yummilicious way of eating them..

Sandwich the cookies with ICE CREAM!! By the time I saw this goodness, I only left with 2 pieces of pity cookies and only had one cookie sandwich.. I tried it with scientific courage and it turned out more than great! Those with children will love you dip dip with this 'sandwich'

the other few ways of enjoying these cookies are:

1) Dipped in fresh milk

2) Sandwich with Peanut Butter (nothing can go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter.. they are married to each other *drools*)

TIP: when there is a party or gathering, plain jane cookies can be brought to a new level! must try!! ^_^

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My "very" First Cookie!

When I finally got an oven and a cake mixer to work with, the Chocolate Peanut Cookies are the first recipe I made. At first I thought its going to be a tough process, especially since I have not baked anything in my life. However, I was relieved that these "little hoods" turned out great. I gave out samples to my neighbors and some friends, and I got alot of positive feedback! So happy! =)

These cookies are made with Chunky Peanut Butter and Hershey's Kisses, coated generously with sugar. Its a combination of salty (from the salt and butter) and sweetness (from the sugar and kisses) after taste that tempts our fingers reaching for more!

note to self on next trial batch: use brown sugar to tone down the sweetness which can be overpowering (as feedbacked by some) and try Creamy Peanut Butter for a smoother texture =)

Everytime I bake someting new to try, I will also take note if the process of making them is children friendly! Therefore I can invite children to my kitchen to have some fun bakings! At the end of each description I will also add it this is a children friendly recipe as a note to self. ♥

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Welcome ^_^

Welcome to Bakreations~

As the site is improving to tempt you all with yummy goodies, here is a warm welcome to those visitng. Pictures of baked cookies, pies and cakes have been put up and will add more as weeks go by. I will soon be introducing each product on this page to entice you further. Therefore do keep a look out for more updates and anything special ♥

Thanks for stopping by...
From passion with love,