Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The New / Old Cookie

chocolate chip cookies are an all time favorite among chocolate lovers! its never to be missed.. it explains why famous amos is selling their cookies so well..

The wonderful part about making these cookies were that I can use whatever chips I want. Ranging from Milk Chocolate Chips to Butterscotch Chips (if available). This batch I made were with Dark Chocolate Chips for our bridesmaid gathering! The gurls love dark chocolate therefore I got pretty good feedback and I am glad the cookies have served their purpose well. ^_^

Apart from just eating these plain jane cookies, I have found another yummilicious way of eating them..

Sandwich the cookies with ICE CREAM!! By the time I saw this goodness, I only left with 2 pieces of pity cookies and only had one cookie sandwich.. I tried it with scientific courage and it turned out more than great! Those with children will love you dip dip with this 'sandwich'

the other few ways of enjoying these cookies are:

1) Dipped in fresh milk

2) Sandwich with Peanut Butter (nothing can go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter.. they are married to each other *drools*)

TIP: when there is a party or gathering, plain jane cookies can be brought to a new level! must try!! ^_^

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